Tienda CristalinaTienda CristalinaTienda Cristalina
Normal: $76.990
Clorador, Alguicida y Clarificante
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Sustituto del Cloro (Ecológico)
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Normal: $149.990
60% Concentración
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Normal: $1.180.990
Piscinas hasta 12x6 mts
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Normal: $17.790
7 cepillos
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Motor Italiano 🇮🇹
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250 Pastillas
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Normal: $12.990
Agregar al carrito
Normal: $88.790
60% Concentración
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4 Granulometrías Disponibles
Compra rápidaAgregar al carrito
Agregar al carrito
Normal: $41.780
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20 Frascos 1 kg
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Agregar al carrito
Normal: $34.990
Caja 20 lts
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Normal: $274.990
Bomba + filtro
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Normal: $8.990
Mango Aluminio
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Normal: $34.990
Caja 20 lts
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201 x 140 x 97 cm
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Normal: $24.990
Kit Completo
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Normal: $65.490
Caja 20 kg
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239 x 64 x 91 cm
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8 ruedas Plásticas
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Caja 20 kg
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0.75 hp
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Normal: $45.680
Intervalo mínimo de programación: 15 min
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WARNING: Currently we only support maximum 200 custom colors. In case you want to get more custom color, please contact us HERE

IMPORTANT: Click on the button 'Update on online store' to code active on live theme.

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Demo swatch, Label settings Preview:

1. Azul
2. Rojo
3. Negro
4. Verde